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Khatuna Todua


The pension reform, in its essence,   is a large-scaled project, which stands out with its high social importance, therefore a significant  public and political interest is paid to it

The pension reform, planned in Georgia, supposes the transition to a mixed pension model, which means providing pensions by budgeting funds on the one hand, and  by saving schemes, on the other hand. 

According to the new system, the amount  of  pension  provision  is determined by amount of sum which is collected by person during his labor activity. In addition there will exist the social pension which will be covered by budget and it will be given to any citizen, regardless of his incomes, work experience etc.

The social pension will be based on living minimum and it will satisfy the primitive needs of pensioners.

Such a mixed model is regarded as optimal as it has more ability to diversify  risks and also to respond  to the modern economic and demographic challenges. 

Any reform, as a rule, faces some risks and challenges, especially in the terms of modern unsteady macroeconomic environment.  So, it is necessary to properly analyze  all important aspects of  the reform, in particular, it should be noted, that the reform would have an acute impact on the financial capacities of country, so,  the  proper management of  the process  by the government is a matter of high importance.                                             

Besides the  high financial expenses, another  problem is the undeveloped   securities markets in Georgia, and then there is a problem about the proper and fair management of pension assets by managing companies. The National Bank of Georgia would  be responsible  for the  promotion  of  effective regulations in this field.

It should also be taken in view, that most of the private investment companies would face an absence of  trust among population  towards their activities.  The low level of self-discipline among the Georgian population would  also be treated as a serious delay  to the implementation of  the  reform.

Nevertheless,  despite all the threatening of above mentioned difficulties the promotion of the pension reform in Georgia is the matter of  the urgent need.

It's  strongly recommended to start the first term of  the reform immediately, by undertaking more intensive efforts in the field of an existing pension system's analyzes and also by developing  proper  reform  program.